Looking up . . .

July 27, 2005
Sorry for not writing sooner. I hope nobody thought I was on the verge of suicide or anything.

No � I�m MUCH better today than I was on Monday. I�m going to chalk it up to hormones. For one thing � I�ve realized that every pregnancy is different � whether you�re fat or thin or what . . . Every woman has her own unique pregnancy experience. There�s never been another me before and there�s never been another Jude � so thus � of course I�m alone in this. But � in a good way.

Anyway � to be proactive � I went to my online support group for overweight pregnant women and expressed my woes to them. I got a good many responses � ladies left me email addresses and phone numbers- so I feel like I�ve built up a nice little community of help for myself from women who are most like me in this. One woman is 349 and she�s about to deliver. She says if she can make it, then so can I at a much lesser weight.

Anyway � I�m 23 weeks today and I�m feeling pretty good. I�m trying not to feel sorry for myself and drink lots of water. These seem to be two magical things. Which, sadly, means that I must completely kick my Dr. Pepper habit.

I�d become quite a �Pepper� in the last week or two, guzzling down DP (both caffeine free and regular) like it was the elixir of life.


And not only that � but we could have this going on in there:

Sorry but it just wouldn�t be a good day with photoshop fun!

12:05 p.m. ::
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